Monterey Indiana Climate Data

Monthly Average Climate Data for Monterey Indiana

Switch Data to Celsius/Metric Units
MonthAvg. LowAvg. HighAvg. Precip
January16.2 °F31.9 °F2.63 in.
February18.9 °F36.2 °F2.37 in.
March27.7 °F47.5 °F2.63 in.
April38.1 °F59.9 °F3.77 in.
May49.6 °F71.1 °F4.42 in.
June59.4 °F80.5 °F4.59 in.
July62.2 °F83.6 °F4.69 in.
August60.4 °F81.7 °F4.34 in.
September52.7 °F76.3 °F3.43 in.
October41.4 °F63.8 °F3.2 in.
November31.4 °F49.0 °F3.0 in.
December22.2 °F37.3 °F2.39 in.
Annual40 °F59.9 °F41.46 in.

Climate Data for Monterey Indiana

Average First Frost DateOct. 11 - Oct. 20
Average Last Frost DateApr. 21 - Apr. 30
Average Days With Frost100-125 Days
Plant Hardiness Zone - 2023Zone 5b : -15°F to -10°F
Plant Hardiness Zone - 2012Zone 5b : -15°F to -10°F
Current Drought ConditionsModerate Drought
Köppen Climate ClassificationDfa - Humid Continental Hot Summers With Year Around Precipitation