Alaska USDA Hardiness Zone Map

Zone 1b
-55°F to -50°F
Zone 2a
-50°F to -45°F
Zone 2b
-45°F to -40°F
Zone 3a
-40°F to -35°F
Zone 3b
-35°F to -30°F
Zone 4a
-30°F to -25°F
Zone 4b
-25°F to -20°F
Zone 5a
-20°F to -15°F
Zone 5b
-15°F to -10°F
Zone 6a
-10°F to -5°F

Based on the 1990 USDA Hardiness Zone Map, this interactive version covers the state of Alaska which ranges from USDA Zone 1b to USDA Zone 7b.

1990 USDA Hardiness Zone Maps for Neighboring States and Provinces

Related Alaska Maps:

  • Alaska 2012 USDA Hardiness Zone Map
  • Alaska First Frost Date Map
  • Alaska Last Frost Date Map
  • Map of Alaska Record High/Low Temperatures
  • Alaska Interactive Drought Monitor Map
  • Alaska Drought Index Map

List of 1990 Hardiness Zones for Cities in Alaska

LocationHardiness Zone
AdakZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
AkhiokZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
AkiachakZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
AkiakZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
AkutanZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
AlaganikZone 6a: -10°F to -5°F
AlakanukZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
AlatnaZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
AlcanZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Alcan BorderZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
AleknagikZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
AlenevaZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
Alexanders VillageZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
AllakaketZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
AmblerZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
AnaktukZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
Anaktuvuk PassZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Anchor PointZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
AnchorageZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
Anchorage/Elmendorf AFBZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
Anchorage/Lake Hood Seaplane BaseZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
Anchorage/Merrill FieldZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
AndersonZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
AngoonZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
AniakZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
AnnetteZone 6b: -5°F to 0°F
AnvikZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Arctic VillageZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
AtgasukZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
AtkaZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
AtmautluakZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
AtqasukZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
Auke BayZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
AyakulikZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
BadgerZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
BaranofZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
BarrowZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
Barter IslandZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
Bear CreekZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
BeaverZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Beaver FallsZone 6b: -5°F to 0°F
BelkofskiZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
Bell Island Hot SpringsZone 6b: -5°F to 0°F
BelugaZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
BergZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
BethelZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
BettlesZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Bettles FieldZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Big DeltaZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Big LakeZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
Big Port WalterZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
Big River LakesZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
BiorkaZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
Birch CreekZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
BirchwoodZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
BoundaryZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Brevig MissionZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
Broad PassZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
BucklandZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Buffalo SoapstoneZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
ButteZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
CantwellZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Cape FanshawZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
Cape LisburneZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Cape NewenhamZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Cape NomeZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
Cape RomanzofZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Cape YorkZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
CaswellZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
Cathedral RapidsZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
CentralZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
ChalkyitsikZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
ChandalarZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
ChaseZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
ChatanikaZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
ChefornakZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Chena Hot SpringsZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
ChenegaZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
ChevakZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Chicago CreekZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
ChichagofZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
ChickaloonZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
ChickenZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
ChignikZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
Chignik LagoonZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
Chignik LakeZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
ChilkatZone 6b: -5°F to 0°F
China TownZone 6b: -5°F to 0°F
ChiniakZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
ChistochinaZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
ChitinaZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
ChiukakZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
ChuathbalukZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
ChugiakZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
ChulitnaZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
CircleZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Circle Hot Springs StationZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Clam GulchZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
Clarks PointZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
ClearZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
Cleary SummitZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
CobolZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
Coffman CoveZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
CohoeZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
Cold BayZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
ColdfootZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
CollegeZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
CometZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
Cooper LandingZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
Copper CenterZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
CoppervilleZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
CordovaZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
Covenant LifeZone 6a: -10°F to -5°F
CraigZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
Crooked CreekZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
Crown PointZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
Cube CoveZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
CurryZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
DeadhorseZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
DeeringZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Delta JunctionZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
DeltanaZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Denali Natl ParkZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
Diamond RidgeZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
DillinghamZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Dime LandingZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
DiomedeZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
Dome CreekZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Dora BayZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
Dot LakeZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Dot Lake VillageZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Dotsons LandingZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
DouglasZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
Dry CreekZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Dutch HarborZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
EagleZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Eagle RiverZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
Eagle VillageZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Edna BayZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
EekZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
EgavikZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
EgegikZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Eielson Air Force BaseZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
EklutnaZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
EkukZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
EkwokZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
Elephant PointZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Elfin CoveZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
ElimZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
EllamarZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
Elmendorf AFBZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
EmmonakZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
English BayZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
EskaZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
EsterZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
EurekaZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
EvansvilleZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Excursion InletZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
EyakZone 6a: -10°F to -5°F
FairbanksZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
Fairbanks/Eielson AFBZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
False PassZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
FarewellZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
Farewell LandingZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Farm LoopZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
FerryZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
Fink CreekZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Fish VillageZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
FishhookZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
FlatZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Fort GreelyZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Fort RichardsonZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
Fort WainwrightZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
Fort YukonZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Four Mile RoadZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
FoxZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
Fox RiverZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
Freshwater BayZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
Fritz CreekZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
Funny RiverZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
GakonaZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Gakona JunctionZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
GalenaZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
GambellZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
Game CreekZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
Ganes CreekZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
GatewayZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
GilpatricksZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
GirdwoodZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
GlacierZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
Glacier ViewZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
GlennallenZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
GolovinZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
Goodnews BayZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
GraylingZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
GulkanaZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
GustavusZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
HainesZone 6a: -10°F to -5°F
Halibut CoveZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
HallersvilleZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Happy ValleyZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
Harding LakeZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
Harding-Birch LakesZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
Hawk InletZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
HaycockZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
Hayes RiverZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
HealyZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Healy LakeZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Hobart BayZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
HolikachukZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
HollisZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
Holy CrossZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
HomerZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
Hood BayZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
HoonahZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
Hooper BayZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
HopeZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
HoustonZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
HufmansZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
HughesZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
HusliaZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
HydaburgZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
HyderZone 6a: -10°F to -5°F
IgiugigZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
IglooZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
IkpekZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
IliamnaZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
IndianZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
IngrihakZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
Ivanof BayZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
Jack WadeZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Jakolof BayZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
Jensens CampZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
Joint Base Elmendorf-RichardsonZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
JuliusZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
JuneauZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
KachemakZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
Kachemak SiloZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
KaguyakZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
KakeZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
KakhonakZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
KakoZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
KaktovikZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
KalifornskyZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
KalskagZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
KaltagZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
KantishnaZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
KarlukZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
KasaanZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
KashwitnaZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
KasiglukZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
KasilofZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
KatallaZone 6a: -10°F to -5°F
KenaiZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
KennicottZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
Kenny LakeZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
KetchikanZone 6b: -5°F to 0°F
KianaZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
KijikZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
Kimshan CoveZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
King CoveZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
King SalmonZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
KipnukZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
KivalinaZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
KiwalikZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
KlawockZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
Klery CreekZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
KlukwanZone 6a: -10°F to -5°F
KnikZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
Knik RiverZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
Knik-FairviewZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
KobukZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
KodiakZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
Kodiak StationZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
KoggiungZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
KokhanokZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
KoliganekZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
KonakanakZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
KongiganakZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
KotlikZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
KotzebueZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
KoyukZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
KoyukukZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
Kulik LodgeZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
KuparukZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
KupreanofZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
KustatanZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
KvichakZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
KwethlukZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
KwigillingokZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Labouchere BayZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
Lake LouiseZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
Lake MinchuminaZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
LakesZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
Larsen BayZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
LawingZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
Lazy MountainZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
LevelockZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
LigniteZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
Lime VillageZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
LivengoodZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
LongZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Long IslandZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
LoringZone 6b: -5°F to 0°F
Lowell PointZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
Lower KalskagZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Lower TonsinaZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
LutakZone 6a: -10°F to -5°F
MakushinZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
Manley Hot SpringsZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
ManokotakZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
MarshallZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
MatanuskaZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
Matanuska-SusitnaZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
McCallumZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
McCarthyZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
McDougallZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
McGrathZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
McKinley ParkZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Meadow LakesZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
MedfraZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
MekoryukZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
MendeltnaZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
Mentasta LakeZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Merrill Pass WestZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
MeshikZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
MetlakatlaZone 6b: -5°F to 0°F
Meyers ChuckZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
Middleton IslandZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
Millers CampZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
MinchuminaZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
MintoZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
MitletukerukZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
MitrofaniaZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
MontanaZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
Montana Creek CampZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Moose CreekZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
Moose PassZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
MorzhovoiZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
Mosquito LakeZone 6a: -10°F to -5°F
Mountain VillageZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Mud BayZone 6b: -5°F to 0°F
NabesnaZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
NakeenZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
NaknekZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
NanwalekZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
NaokokZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
NapakiakZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
NapaskiakZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Naukati BayZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
NelchinaZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Nelson LagoonZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
NeltushkinZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
NenanaZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
New AllakaketZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
New IglooZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
New StuyahokZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
NewhalenZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
NewtokZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
NightmuteZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
NikiskiZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
NikolaevskZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
NikolaiZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
NikolskiZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
NinilchikZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
Nkishka No 2Zone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
NoatakZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
NomeZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
NondaltonZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
NoorvikZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
North NenanaZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
North PoleZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
NorthwayZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Northway JunctionZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Northway VillageZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
NuiqsutZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
NulatoZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
NumachuakZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
Nunam IquaZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
NunamiutZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
NunapitchukZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
NunapitsinchakZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
NushagakZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
NuwukZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
NyacZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
OhogamiutZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
Okok PointZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
Old Cutoff Trading PostZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
Old HarborZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
Old MintoZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
Old SaulichZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
Old TyonekZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
OlnesZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
OmilakZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
OrcaZone 6a: -10°F to -5°F
OscarvilleZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
OuzinkieZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
PaimiutZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
PalmerZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
PaxsonZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
Pedro BayZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
PelicanZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
PerryvilleZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
Peters CreekZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
PetersburgZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
PetersvilleZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Pile Bay VillageZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
Pilot PointZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
Pilot StationZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Pitkas PointZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
PittmanZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
PlatinumZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Pleasant ValleyZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Point BakerZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
Point HopeZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Point LayZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Point MacKenzieZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
Polk InletZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
PoormanZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Pope-Vannoy LandingZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
PorcupineZone 6a: -10°F to -5°F
Port AlexanderZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
Port AliceZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
Port AlsworthZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
Port BaileyZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
Port ClarenceZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
Port GrahamZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
Port HeidenZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
Port LionsZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
Port MollerZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
Port Nellie JuanZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
Port ProtectionZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
Port SafetyZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
Portage CreekZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Portage GlacierZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
Portage RoadhouseZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
PortlockZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
PrimroseZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
Prudhoe BayZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
Puntilla LakeZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
QuinhagakZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Railroad CityZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
RampartZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Red DevilZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
Red DogZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Red Dog MineZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
RidgewayZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
RodokakatZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
Rowan BayZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
RubyZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Russian MissionZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
Saint GeorgeZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Saint George IslandZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Saint Mary'sZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Saint MarysZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Saint MichaelZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Saint Paul IslandZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Saint TereseZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
SalamatofZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
SalawikZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
SalchaZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
SanakZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
Sand PointZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
SavonoskiZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
SavoongaZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
SaxmanZone 6b: -5°F to 0°F
Scammon BayZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
SelawikZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
SeldoviaZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
Seldovia VillageZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
SeventeenmileZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
SewardZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
ShagelukZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
ShaktoolikZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
Sheep MountainZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
SheshalikZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
ShishmarefZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
ShungnakZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
Silver SpringsZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
SingigyakZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
SinukZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
SitkaZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
SitukZone 6b: -5°F to 0°F
SkagwayZone 6a: -10°F to -5°F
SkwentnaZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
SlanaZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Slate CreekZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
SleetmuteZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
SoldotnaZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
SolomonZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
SourdoughZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
Sourdough CampZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
South NaknekZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Squaw HarborZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
St. John HarborZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
StebbinsZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
Steele CreekZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
SterlingZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
Sterling LandingZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
Stevens VillageZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Stony RiverZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
StuyahokZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Sulatna CrossingZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
SunriseZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
SuntranaZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
SusitnaZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
SuttonZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
Sutton-AlpineZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
TakotnaZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
TalikootZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
TalkeetnaZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
TanacrossZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
TanainaZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
TananaZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
TananiZone 6a: -10°F to -5°F
TaralZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
TatitlekZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
TazlinaZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
TellerZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
Tenakee SpringsZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
Tenmile PostZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
TetlinZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Tetlin JunctionZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
ThaneZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
Thoms PlaceZone 6b: -5°F to 0°F
Thorne BayZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
Tin CityZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
ToftyZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
TogiakZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
TokZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Tok JunctionZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
ToklatZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
Toksook BayZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
TolsonaZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
TonokZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
TonsinaZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
TopkokZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
Trapper CreekZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
TsukonZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
TuklungZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
TuluksakZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
TuntutuliakZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
TununakZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Twin HillsZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Two RiversZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
TyeeZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
Tyone VillageZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
TyonekZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
UgashikZone 4b: -25°F to -20°F
UmiatZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
UnalakleetZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
UnalaskaZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
UngaZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
UngalikZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
UngalikthlukZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Upper Slate CreekZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
UsibelliZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Utopia CreekZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
ValdezZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
Valdez ArptZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
VenetieZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Venetie LandingZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
WainwrightZone 2b: -45°F to -40°F
WalesZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
Ward CoveZone 6b: -5°F to 0°F
WasillaZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
WevokZone 3a: -40°F to -35°F
Whale PassZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
Whiskey CreekZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
White MountainZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
Whitestone Logging CampZone 7b: 5°F to 10°F
WhittierZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
WillowZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
Willow CreekZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
Willow HouseZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
WisemanZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
Womens BayZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
WoodchopperZone 1b: -55°F to -50°F
WortmannsZone 6a: -10°F to -5°F
WrangellZone 7a: 0°F to 5°F
YZone 3b: -35°F to -30°F
YakutatZone 6b: -5°F to 0°F
Yes BayZone 6b: -5°F to 0°F
YistletawZone 2a: -50°F to -45°F
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