er34a - Northern Humid Gulf Coastal Prairies |
er34c - Floodplains and Low Terraces |
er34g - Texas - Louisiana Coastal Marshes |
er34j - Lafayette Loess Plains |
er35a - Tertiary Uplands |
er35b - Floodplains and Low Terraces |
er35c - Pleistocene Fluvial Terraces |
er35e - Southern Tertiary Uplands |
er35f - Flatwoods |
er35g - Red River Bottomlands |
er65f - Southern Pine Plains and Hills |
er65p - Southeastern Floodplains and Low Terraces |
er73a - Northern Holocene Meander Belts |
er73d - Northern Backswamps |
er73h - Arkansas/Ouachita River Holocene Meander Belts |
er73i - Arkansas/Ouachita River Backswamps |
er73j - Macon Ridge |
er73k - Southern Holocene Meander Belts |
er73l - Southern Pleistocene Valley Trains |
er73m - Southern Backswamps | er73m - Inland Swamps |
er73o - Coastal Marshes | er73o - Bluff Hills |
er74c - Southern Rolling Plains | er74c - Baton Rouge Terrace |
er75a - Gulf Coast Flatwoods | er75a - Flood Plains and Low Terraces |
er75k - Gulf Barrier Islands and Coastal Marshes |
Based on Ecoregions developed by the EPA this map describe areas of general similarity in ecosystems and in the type, quality, and quantity of environmental resources, as well as similarity of climate that can assist Louisiana gardenders.