Current Drought Conditions for Ontario - January 2025

Ontario Drought Report:

As of January 2025 approximately 3% (36600 square kilometers) of Ontario is under drought conditions and 49% (525832 square kilometers) is Abnormally dry.

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Ontario Drought Conditions Map

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List of Current Drought Conditions for Cities and Towns in Ontario

LocationDrought Conditions
LefaivreModerate Drought
Greenhurst-ThurstoniaAbnormally Dry
Pleasant PointAbnormally Dry
HawkesburyModerate Drought
SheguiandahAbnormally Dry
GravenhurstAbnormally Dry
MariatownAbnormally Dry
KinmountAbnormally Dry
Fenelon FallsAbnormally Dry
Aundeck Omni KaningAbnormally Dry
AlexandriaModerate Drought
Green ValleyModerate Drought
AvonmoreAbnormally Dry
Apple HillModerate Drought
WinchesterAbnormally Dry
ChestervilleAbnormally Dry
NewingtonAbnormally Dry
Vankleek HillModerate Drought
AlfredModerate Drought
PlantagenetAbnormally Dry
Jessups FallsAbnormally Dry
AltonModerate Drought
KaladarAbnormally Dry
Clarence-RocklandAbnormally Dry
Caledon VillageModerate Drought
ApsleyAbnormally Dry
Fitzroy HarbourAbnormally Dry
GalettaAbnormally Dry
Little CurrentAbnormally Dry
FleshertonAbnormally Dry
PricevilleAbnormally Dry
DundalkAbnormally Dry
CarpAbnormally Dry
CasselmanAbnormally Dry
BobcaygeonAbnormally Dry
ShelburneAbnormally Dry
KirkfieldAbnormally Dry
SinghamptonAbnormally Dry
Iron BridgeAbnormally Dry
Algoma MillsAbnormally Dry
Blind RiverAbnormally Dry
SpraggeAbnormally Dry
NorthshoreAbnormally Dry
MorrisburgAbnormally Dry
OrangevilleModerate Drought
WollastonAbnormally Dry
LimerickAbnormally Dry
DenbighAbnormally Dry
GooderhamAbnormally Dry
HaliburtonAbnormally Dry
MindenAbnormally Dry
BurnstownAbnormally Dry
CombermereAbnormally Dry
Carlow/MayoAbnormally Dry
FaradayAbnormally Dry
Baptiste VillageAbnormally Dry
Birds CreekAbnormally Dry
BancroftAbnormally Dry
KenoraAbnormally Dry
Sioux NarrowsAbnormally Dry
ReddittAbnormally Dry
MaynoothAbnormally Dry
WhitedogAbnormally Dry
AtikokanAbnormally Dry
MinakiAbnormally Dry
DorionAbnormally Dry
IgnaceAbnormally Dry
IngolfAbnormally Dry
Thunder BayAbnormally Dry
DubreuilvilleAbnormally Dry
Red RockAbnormally Dry
ChapleauAbnormally Dry
MacdiarmidAbnormally Dry
FoleyetAbnormally Dry
TimminsAbnormally Dry
NipigonAbnormally Dry
White RiverAbnormally Dry
Sandy LakeAbnormally Dry
Smooth Rock FallsAbnormally Dry
KapuskasingAbnormally Dry
Val RitaAbnormally Dry
LonglacAbnormally Dry
GeraldtonAbnormally Dry
HornepayneAbnormally Dry
KapuskasingAbnormally Dry
Sachigo LakeAbnormally Dry
Muskrat DamAbnormally Dry
Val CôtéAbnormally Dry
OpasatikaAbnormally Dry
HearstAbnormally Dry
Fort SevernAbnormally Dry
WilliamsburgAbnormally Dry
ArcherAbnormally Dry
PakenhamAbnormally Dry
Sturgeon PointAbnormally Dry
CoboconkAbnormally Dry
UphillAbnormally Dry
Grand ValleyModerate Drought
NorlandAbnormally Dry
St IsidoreModerate Drought
Tudor and CashelAbnormally Dry
WabaAbnormally Dry
SarsfieldAbnormally Dry
NorthbrookAbnormally Dry
KinburnAbnormally Dry
MindemoyaAbnormally Dry
BlakeneyAbnormally Dry
ArnpriorAbnormally Dry
BreslauModerate Drought
OttawaAbnormally Dry
CambridgeModerate Drought
BarrieAbnormally Dry
PeterboroughModerate Drought
HespelerModerate Drought
VernonAbnormally Dry
LindsayAbnormally Dry
WestportAbnormally Dry
InveraryModerate Drought
CreemoreAbnormally Dry
TottenhamModerate Drought
AllistonModerate Drought
MildmayAbnormally Dry
HarristonModerate Drought
PrescottAbnormally Dry
GuelphModerate Drought
KarsAbnormally Dry
Upper Canada VillageAbnormally Dry
OrilliaAbnormally Dry
StaynerAbnormally Dry
DuntroonAbnormally Dry
Glen HuronAbnormally Dry
Sutton WestModerate Drought
HanoverAbnormally Dry
Mount ForestModerate Drought
BramptonAbnormally Dry
FergusModerate Drought
ChesleyAbnormally Dry
PaisleyAbnormally Dry
WaterlooModerate Drought
LakefieldModerate Drought
SydenhamModerate Drought
BradfordModerate Drought
Holland LandingModerate Drought
KitchenerModerate Drought
MidlandAbnormally Dry
MidhurstAbnormally Dry
ElmvaleAbnormally Dry
UdoraModerate Drought
PefferlawAbnormally Dry
WyevaleAbnormally Dry
CampbellvilleAbnormally Dry
MoonstoneAbnormally Dry
EmbrunAbnormally Dry
CryslerAbnormally Dry
CornwallAbnormally Dry
ArthurModerate Drought
PortlandAbnormally Dry
NeustadtAbnormally Dry
AytonAbnormally Dry
PalmerstonModerate Drought
CliffordModerate Drought
DurhamAbnormally Dry
DraytonModerate Drought
ErinModerate Drought
Port PerryModerate Drought
UxbridgeModerate Drought
AtwoodModerate Drought
South MountainAbnormally Dry
SpencervilleAbnormally Dry
North AugustaAbnormally Dry
GreenbushAbnormally Dry
AddisonAbnormally Dry
AthensAbnormally Dry
Burketon StationModerate Drought
MountainAbnormally Dry
HallvilleAbnormally Dry
RoebuckAbnormally Dry
MaitlandAbnormally Dry
BrousevilleAbnormally Dry
PittstonAbnormally Dry
BallinafadAbnormally Dry
SharonModerate Drought
Charleston LakeAbnormally Dry
PhilipsvilleAbnormally Dry
AberfoyleAbnormally Dry
MorristonAbnormally Dry
SchombergModerate Drought
MaryhillModerate Drought
EloraModerate Drought
ActonAbnormally Dry
RockwoodAbnormally Dry
MoffatAbnormally Dry
PetersburgModerate Drought
Burleigh FallsAbnormally Dry
PontypoolModerate Drought
KendalModerate Drought
Garden HillModerate Drought
St. JacobsModerate Drought
ConestogoModerate Drought
LinwoodModerate Drought
HeidelbergModerate Drought
ListowelModerate Drought
MilvertonModerate Drought
St. ClementsModerate Drought
GorrieModerate Drought
TeeswaterAbnormally Dry
FordwichModerate Drought
JanetvilleModerate Drought
TyroneModerate Drought
MillbrookModerate Drought
EnniskillenModerate Drought
CaesareaModerate Drought
BewdleyModerate Drought
KelsoAbnormally Dry
Glen WilliamsAbnormally Dry
AuroraModerate Drought
Caledon EastAbnormally Dry
NobletonModerate Drought
PalgraveModerate Drought
SunderlandAbnormally Dry
SeagraveModerate Drought
BelfountainAbnormally Dry
CoultervilleModerate Drought
HarrowsmithAbnormally Dry
YarkerAbnormally Dry
CentrevilleAbnormally Dry
BainsvilleModerate Drought
LancasterModerate Drought
WashagoAbnormally Dry
BrechinAbnormally Dry
GreenbankModerate Drought
BeavertonAbnormally Dry
BlackstockModerate Drought
ElmiraModerate Drought
OsgoodeAbnormally Dry
MetcalfeAbnormally Dry
Summerstown StationAbnormally Dry
MartintownAbnormally Dry
Long SaultAbnormally Dry
Perth Road VillageAbnormally Dry
RaglanModerate Drought
LancasterModerate Drought
South LancasterModerate Drought
OmemeeModerate Drought
InglesideAbnormally Dry
CardinalAbnormally Dry
IroquoisAbnormally Dry
JohnstownAbnormally Dry
GeorgetownAbnormally Dry
WalkertonAbnormally Dry
BoltonAbnormally Dry
NewmarketModerate Drought
VandorfModerate Drought
GoodwoodModerate Drought
KettlebyModerate Drought
Fennells CornerModerate Drought
HastingsModerate Drought
BloomingdaleModerate Drought
HavelockAbnormally Dry
MadocAbnormally Dry
CanningtonAbnormally Dry
IdaModerate Drought
TweedModerate Drought
SuttonAbnormally Dry
MarmoraAbnormally Dry
HulbertAbnormally Dry
Pleasant ValleyAbnormally Dry
South MountainAbnormally Dry
OakwoodAbnormally Dry
CameronAbnormally Dry
King CityModerate Drought
ValentiaModerate Drought
StirlingModerate Drought
Young's PointAbnormally Dry
CargillAbnormally Dry
WroxeterModerate Drought
DeltaAbnormally Dry
CaledonAbnormally Dry
CookstownModerate Drought
KeswickModerate Drought
MansfieldModerate Drought
Mount AlbertModerate Drought
AngusModerate Drought
ElginAbnormally Dry
HillsburghModerate Drought
BeetonModerate Drought
MarkdaleAbnormally Dry
RussellAbnormally Dry
QueensvilleModerate Drought
BallantraeModerate Drought
Victoria HarbourAbnormally Dry
WaubausheneAbnormally Dry
KeeneModerate Drought
ThorntonModerate Drought
EnnismoreModerate Drought
Mayfield WestAbnormally Dry
CampbellfordModerate Drought
RamaAbnormally Dry
WaverleyAbnormally Dry
AyrModerate Drought
BellevilleModerate Drought
PrestonModerate Drought
SunburyModerate Drought
Shannons CornersSevere Drought
NapaneeModerate Drought
TrentonModerate Drought
BrockvilleAbnormally Dry
WoolerModerate Drought
Seeley's BayAbnormally Dry
MississaugaAbnormally Dry
BrantfordModerate Drought
WoodstockAbnormally Dry
IngersollAbnormally Dry
WaterdownAbnormally Dry
PrincetonModerate Drought
ParisModerate Drought
BurfordModerate Drought
Wasaga BeachAbnormally Dry
MiltonAbnormally Dry
PictonModerate Drought
BathSevere Drought
OshawaModerate Drought
St GeorgeModerate Drought
MarysvilleSevere Drought
DelhiAbnormally Dry
NorwichAbnormally Dry
HensallAbnormally Dry
SeaforthModerate Drought
CourtlandAbnormally Dry
WaterfordAbnormally Dry
ScotlandModerate Drought
ZurichAbnormally Dry
BrusselsModerate Drought
BlythModerate Drought
MonktonModerate Drought
LondesboroModerate Drought
RipleyAbnormally Dry
St. MarysAbnormally Dry
ThamesfordAbnormally Dry
ShakespeareModerate Drought
Ivy LeaAbnormally Dry
AylesworthSevere Drought
StouffvilleModerate Drought
VaughanModerate Drought
ClaremontModerate Drought
DemorestvilleModerate Drought
GreensvilleAbnormally Dry
OutletAbnormally Dry
CobourgModerate Drought
GaltModerate Drought
SheffieldAbnormally Dry
RocktonAbnormally Dry
FreeltonAbnormally Dry
New HamburgModerate Drought
MannheimModerate Drought
WellesleyModerate Drought
BadenModerate Drought
PlattsvilleModerate Drought
New DundeeModerate Drought
StratfordAbnormally Dry
TavistockAbnormally Dry
CourticeModerate Drought
ExeterAbnormally Dry
SebringvilleAbnormally Dry
LucanAbnormally Dry
Prospect HillAbnormally Dry
EmbroAbnormally Dry
BeachvilleAbnormally Dry
BurgessvilleAbnormally Dry
DrumboModerate Drought
InnerkipModerate Drought
SweaburgAbnormally Dry
ClintonModerate Drought
BayfieldModerate Drought
LucknowModerate Drought
WinghamModerate Drought
GlenburnieModerate Drought
WilletsholmeModerate Drought
GananoqueModerate Drought
LansdowneAbnormally Dry
MillgroveAbnormally Dry
CarlisleAbnormally Dry
KilbrideAbnormally Dry
SolinaModerate Drought
KleinburgModerate Drought
ErnestownSevere Drought
OdessaSevere Drought
NewcastleModerate Drought
OronoModerate Drought
HamptonModerate Drought
BowmanvilleModerate Drought
ColumbusModerate Drought
BrooklinModerate Drought
WhitbyModerate Drought
GraftonModerate Drought
Port HopeModerate Drought
TivertonAbnormally Dry
BrightonModerate Drought
GoderichModerate Drought
KincardineAbnormally Dry
MarkhamModerate Drought
BranchtonModerate Drought
FrankfordModerate Drought
MitchellAbnormally Dry
NottawaAbnormally Dry
IldertonAbnormally Dry
AvonAbnormally Dry
CramptonAbnormally Dry
CullodenAbnormally Dry
SalfordAbnormally Dry
OttervilleAbnormally Dry
CourtlandAbnormally Dry
South MiddletonAbnormally Dry
ShannonvilleModerate Drought
ColborneModerate Drought
DeserontoModerate Drought
Prince Edward CountyModerate Drought
NewtonvilleModerate Drought
KingstonSevere Drought
GormleyModerate Drought
TyendinagaModerate Drought
Richmond HillModerate Drought
RockportAbnormally Dry
CollingwoodAbnormally Dry
HamiltonAbnormally Dry
Niagara FallsModerate Drought
CayugaAbnormally Dry
CaledoniaAbnormally Dry
HagersvilleAbnormally Dry
BurlingtonAbnormally Dry
Stoney CreekAbnormally Dry
DundasAbnormally Dry
Mount HopeAbnormally Dry
BinbrookAbnormally Dry
ChathamAbnormally Dry
KomokaAbnormally Dry
AppinAbnormally Dry
GlencoeAbnormally Dry
NewburyAbnormally Dry
ThamesvilleAbnormally Dry
WardsvilleAbnormally Dry
BothwellAbnormally Dry
AlvinstonAbnormally Dry
WatfordAbnormally Dry
ThedfordAbnormally Dry
BlenheimAbnormally Dry
DelawareAbnormally Dry
TalbotvilleAbnormally Dry
Port StanleyAbnormally Dry
UnionAbnormally Dry
AylmerAbnormally Dry
DorchesterAbnormally Dry
SimcoeAbnormally Dry
JarvisAbnormally Dry
WarwickAbnormally Dry
CamlachieAbnormally Dry
West LorneAbnormally Dry
RodneyAbnormally Dry
DuttonAbnormally Dry
SpartaAbnormally Dry
HighgateAbnormally Dry
RidgetownAbnormally Dry
MorpethAbnormally Dry
ShrewsburyAbnormally Dry
BelmontAbnormally Dry
Grand BendAbnormally Dry
StrathroyAbnormally Dry
MelbourneAbnormally Dry
ViennaAbnormally Dry
Port DoverAbnormally Dry
DresdenAbnormally Dry
WallaceburgAbnormally Dry
FlorenceAbnormally Dry
ForestAbnormally Dry
WellandModerate Drought
AjaxModerate Drought
DashwoodAbnormally Dry
ArkonaAbnormally Dry
Ailsa CraigAbnormally Dry
LondonAbnormally Dry
ParkhillAbnormally Dry
PickeringModerate Drought
OakvilleAbnormally Dry
Huron ParkAbnormally Dry
AllanburgModerate Drought
St ThomasAbnormally Dry
Port ColborneModerate Drought
Wainfleet TownshipModerate Drought
Fort ErieModerate Drought
BlenheimAbnormally Dry
Turkey PointAbnormally Dry
DunnvilleModerate Drought
Port BurwellAbnormally Dry
PelhamModerate Drought
Mount BrydgesAbnormally Dry
LincolnModerate Drought
West Lincoln TownshipModerate Drought
Crystal BeachModerate Drought
ThoroldModerate Drought
TillsonburgAbnormally Dry
PetroliaAbnormally Dry
Oil SpringsAbnormally Dry
RidgewayModerate Drought
TorontoModerate Drought
ComberAbnormally Dry
St. CatharinesModerate Drought
WinonaAbnormally Dry
WindsorAbnormally Dry
LaSalleAbnormally Dry
TecumsehAbnormally Dry
LeamingtonAbnormally Dry
EssexAbnormally Dry
WheatleyAbnormally Dry
HarrowAbnormally Dry
ColchesterAbnormally Dry
KingsvilleAbnormally Dry
TilburyAbnormally Dry
CottamAbnormally Dry
EmeryvilleAbnormally Dry
Belle RiverAbnormally Dry
MerlinAbnormally Dry
RuthvenAbnormally Dry
SombraAbnormally Dry
Port LambtonAbnormally Dry
GrimsbyModerate Drought
AmherstburgAbnormally Dry
North BuxtonAbnormally Dry
BeamsvilleModerate Drought
VinelandModerate Drought
Niagara-on-the-LakeModerate Drought
PeawanuckAbnormally Dry

Drought Conditions for Neighboring Areas