California Level 4 Ecoregions Map

er13aa - Sierra Nevada-Influenced Semiaried Hills and Basins
er13ab - Sierra Valley
er13ac - Upper Owens Valley
er13ad - Mono-Adobe Valleys
er13ae - Bishop Volcanic Tableland
er13h - Lahontan and Tonopah Playas
er13j - Lahontan Salt Shrub Basin
er13u - Tonopah Basin
er13v - Tonopah Sagebrush Foothills
er13w - Tonopah Uplands
er13x - Sierra Nevada-Influenced Ranges
er13y - Sierra Nevada-Influenced High Elevation Mountains
er14a - Eastern Mojave Basins
er14b - Arid Footslopes
er14c - Mojave Mountain Woodland and Shrubland
er14e - Arid Valleys and Canyonlands
er14f - Mojave Playas
er14g - Amargosa Desert
er14h - Death Valley/Mojave Central Trough
er14i - Mesquite Flat/Badwater Basin er14i - Western Mojave Basins
er14k - Western Mojave Low Ranges and Arid Footslopes er14k - Western Mojave Mountain Woodland and Shrubland
er14m - Western Mojave High Elevation Mountains er14m - Mojave Lava Fields
er14o - Mojave Sand Dunes er14o - Coastal Lowlands
er1h - Southern Oregon Coastal Mountains er1h - Redwood Zone
er1j - King Range/Mattole Basin er1j - Coastal Franciscan Redwood Forest
er1l - Fort Bragg/Fort Ross Terraces er1l - Point Reyes/Farallon Islands
er1n - Santa Cruz Mountains er1n - San Mateo Coastal Hills
er4d - Cascade Subalpine/Alpine er4d - High Southern Cascades Montane Forest
er4f - Low Southern Cascades Mixed Conifer Forest er4f - California Cascades Eastside Conifer Forest
er4h - Southern Cascades Foothills er4h - Mid-Elevation Sierra Nevada
er5b - High Elevation Sierra Nevada er5b - Northern Sierra Upper Montane Forests
er5d - Northern Sierra Mid-Montane Forests er5d - Northern Sierra Lower Montane Forests
er5f - Northeastern Sierra Mixed Conifer-Pine Forests er5f - Central Sierra Mid-Montane Forests
er5h - Central Sierra Lower Montane Forests er5h - Eastern Sierra Great Basin Slopes
er5j - Eastern Sierra Mojavean Slopes er5j - Southern Sierra Subalpine Forests
er5l - Southern Sierra Upper Montane Forests er5l - Southern Sierra Mid-Montane Forests
er5n - Southern Sierra Lower Montane Forest and Woodland er5n - Tehachapi Mountains
er6a - Tuscan Flows er6a - Eastern Hills
er6ab - Pleasant Valley/Kettleman Plain er6ab - Temblor Range/Elk Hills
er6ad - Grapevine Transition er6ad - Tehachapi Foothills
er6af - Salinas Valley er6af - Northern Santa Lucia Range
er6ah - Santa Lucia Coastal Forest and Woodland er6ah - Interior Santa Lucia Range
er6aj - Southern Santa Lucia Range er6aj - Paso Robles Hills and Valleys
er6al - Salinas-Cholame Hills er6al - Cuyama Valley
er6an - Carrizo Plain er6an - Caliente Range
er6ap - Solomon-Purisima-Santa Ynez Hills er6ap - Santa Maria/Santa Ynez Valleys
er6ar - Upper Sacramento River Alluvium er6ar - Northern Sierran Foothills
er6c - Southern Sierran Foothills er6c - Camanche Terraces
er6e - Tehama Terraces er6e - Foothill Ridges and Valleys
er6g - North Coast Range Eastern Slopes er6g - Western Valley Foothills/Dunnigan Hills
er6i - Clear Lake Hills and Valleys er6i - Mayacmas Mountains
er6k - Napa-Sonoma-Lake Volcanic Highlands er6k - Napa-Sonoma-Russian River Valleys
er6m - Sonoma-Mendocino Mixed Forest er6m - Bodega Coastal Hills
er6o - Marin Hills er6o - Bay Flats
er6q - Suisun Terraces and Low Hills er6q - East Bay Hills/Western Diablo Range
er6s - San Francisco Peninsula er6s - Bay Terraces/Lower Santa Clara Valley
er6u - Livermore Hills and Valleys er6u - Upper Santa Clara Valley
er6w - Monterey Bay Plains and Terraces er6w - Leeward Hills/Western Diablo Range
er6y - Gabilan Range er6y - Diablo Range
er78a - Rogue/Illinois/Scott Valleys er78a - Serpentine Siskiyous
er78e - Inland Siskiyous er78e - Klamath River Ridges
er78h - Border High-Siskiyous er78h - Western Klamath Low Elevation Forests
er78j - Western Klamath Montane Forests er78j - Eastern Klamath Low Elevation Forests
er78l - Eastern Klamath Montane Forests er78l - Marble/Salmon Mountains-Trinity Alps
er78n - Scott Mountains er78n - Klamath Subalpine
er78p - Duzel Rock er78p - Outer North Coast Ranges
er78r - High North Coast Ranges er78r - Northern Terraces
er7b - North Valley Alluvium er7b - Butte Sink/Sutter and Colusa Basins
er7d - Southern Hardpan Terraces er7d - Sacramento/Feather Riverine Alluvium
er7f - Sutter Buttes er7f - Yolo Alluvial Fans
er7h - Yolo/American Basin er7h - Delta
er7k - Lodi Alluvium er7k - Stockton Basin
er7m - San Joaquin Basin er7m - Manteca/Merced Alluvium
er7o - Westside Alluvial Fans and Terraces er7o - Granitic Alluvial Fans and Terraces
er7q - Panoche and Cantua Fans and Basins er7q - Tulare Basin/Fresno Slough
er7s - Kern Terraces er7s - South Valley Alluvium
er7u - Antelope Plain er7u - Southern Clayey Basins
er80d - Pluvial Lake Basins er80d - High Lava Plains
er80j - Semiarid Uplands er80j - Western Sonoran Mountains
er81b - Western Sonoran Mountain Woodland and Shrubland er81b - Western Sonoran Basins
er81d - Sand Hills/Sand Dunes er81d - Upper Coachella Valley and Hills
er81f - Imperial/Lower Coachella Valleys er81f - Lower Colorado/Lower Gila River Valleys
er81h - Sonoran Playas er81h - Central Sonoran/Colorado Desert Mountains
er81j - Central Sonoran/Colorado Desert Basins er81j - Arizona Upland/Eastern Sonoran Mountains
er85a - Santa Barbara Coastal Plain and Terraces er85a - Oxnard Plain and Valleys
er85c - Venturan-Angeleno Coastal Hills er85c - Los Angeles Plain
er85e - Diegan Coastal Terraces er85e - Diegan Coastal Hills and Valleys
er85g - Diegan Western Granitic Foothills er85g - Morena/Boundary Mountain Chaparral
er85i - Northern Channel Islands er85i - Southern Channel Islands
er85k - Inland Valleys er85k - Inland Hills
er85m - Santa Ana Mountains er85m - Western Transverse Range Lower Montane Shrub and Woodland
er8b - Western Transverse Range Montane Forest er8b - Arid Montane Slopes
er8d - Southern California Subalpine/Alpine er8d - Southern California Lower Montane Shrub and Woodland
er8f - Southern California Montane Conifer Forest er8f - Northern Transverse Range
er9g - Klamath/Goose Lake Basins er9g - Fremont Pine/Fir Forest
er9i - Southern Cascade Slope er9i - Klamath Juniper Woodland
er9k - Shasta Valley er9k - Pit River Valleys
er9m - Warner Mountains er9m - High Elevation Warner Mountains
er9o - Likely Tableland er9o - Modoc/Lassen Juniper-Shrub Hills and Mountains
er9q - Adin/Horsehead Mountains Forest and Woodland er9q - Adin/Dixie Low Hills
er9s - Modoc Lava Flows and Buttes er9s - Old Cascades

Based on Ecoregions developed by the EPA this map describe areas of general similarity in ecosystems and in the type, quality, and quantity of environmental resources, as well as similarity of climate that can assist California gardenders.

Ecoregion Maps for Neighboring States

  • Arizona Interactive Level 4 Ecoregions Map
  • Nevada Interactive Level 4 Ecoregions Map
  • Oregon Interactive Level 4 Ecoregions Map

Related California Maps:

  • California Last Frost Date Map
  • California 1990 USDA Hardiness Zone Map
  • California 2012 USDA Hardiness Zone Map
  • California First Frost Date Map
  • California Last Frost Date Map
  • Map of California Record High/Low Temperatures
  • California Interactive Drought Monitor Map
  • California Drought Index Map
  • California Heat Zones Map
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